#!/usr/bin/env python

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

@Author :geekzw
@Contact :[email protected]
@File :AC_ner.py
@Time :2020/3/5 12:56 AM
@Software :Pycharm
@Copyright (c) 2020,All Rights Reserved.

import time

class node(object):
def __init__(self):
self.next = {} # 相当于指针,指向树节点的下一层节点
self.fail = None # 失配指针,这个是AC自动机的关键
self.isWord = False # 标记,用来判断是否是一个标签的结尾
self.word = “” # 用来储存标签

class ac_automation(object):
def __init__(self, user_dict_path):
self.root = node()
self.user_dict_path = user_dict_path

def add(self, word):
temp_root = self.root
for char in word:
if char not in temp_root.next:
temp_root.next[char] = node()
temp_root = temp_root.next[char]
temp_root.isWord = True
temp_root.word = word

# 添加文件中的关键词
def add_keyword(self):
with open(self.user_dict_path, “r”, encoding=”utf-8″) as file:
for line in file:

def make_fail(self):
temp_que = []
while len(temp_que) != 0:
temp = temp_que.pop(0)
p = None
for key,value in temp.next.item():
if temp == self.root:
temp.next[key].fail = self.root
p = temp.fail
while p is not None:
if key in p.next:
temp.next[key].fail = p.fail
p = p.fail
if p is None:
temp.next[key].fail = self.root

def search(self, content):
p = self.root
result = set()
index = 0
while index < len(content) - 1: currentposition = index while currentposition < len(content): word = content[currentposition] while word in p.next == False and p != self.root: p = p.fail if word in p.next: p = p.next[word] else: p = self.root if p.isWord: end_index = currentposition + 1 result.add((p.word, end_index - len(p.word), end_index)) break currentposition += 1 p = self.root index += 1 return result if name == "__main__": ac = ac_automation(user_dict_path="../../funNLP/organization_dict.txt") ac.add_keyword() # 添加关键词到AC自动机 while True: query = input("\nINPUT: ") ss = time.time() res = ac.search(query) print("TIME: {0} ms!".format(round(1000 * (time.time() - ss), 3))) print("OUTPUT:", res) 输出: 说明:对比发现,自己改写的纯Python版本,存在优化空间,降低耗时成本!