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def check_last(self, Browser): try: last_tag = Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('tail')) return False except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: return True |
当我们往下滚动的时候,首先是发现不了这个last_tag = Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('tail'))
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while self.check_last(Browser): # 如果没有发现loggin是消失的话,就往下移动,否则就开始统计a的值 all_hrefs.update([a_tag.get_attribute('href') for a_tag in Browser.find_elements_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('a_hrefs_xpath'))]) unseen.update(all_hrefs - seen) # 创造协程任务,使所有页面开始爬取图片的信息 if len(unseen) != 0: tasks = [loop.create_task(self.get_img_info(session, target)) for target in unseen] Done, Pendding = await asyncio.wait(tasks) for item in Done: if item.result(): # 添加图片信息 img_info.append(item.result()) print("添加的图片信息数量为{}".format(len(img_info))) # 等到加载图标消失后再往下移动 try: WebDriverWait(Browser, 10).until( EC.invisibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, self.get_xpath('logging_xpath'))) ) #找不到的话就往上滑动两下(有点不美观)。怕代理断连的时候没有加载loggin except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException: Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('a_hrefs_xpath')).send_keys(Keys.PAGE_UP) Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('a_hrefs_xpath')).send_keys(Keys.PAGE_UP) # 为了切换协程 await asyncio.sleep(0.1) seen.update(unseen) unseen.clear() Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('a_hrefs_xpath')).send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN) |
1 2 3 |
WebDriverWait(Browser, 10).until(
EC.invisibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, self.get_xpath('logging_xpath')))
1 2 3 4 |
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.webdriver import Options chrome_options = Options() #设置socks5代理 chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://') |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 import asyncio import aiohttp from aiosocksy import Socks5Auth from aiosocksy.connector import ProxyConnector, ProxyClientRequest async def fetch(url): auth = Socks5Auth(login='...', password='...') connector = ProxyConnector() socks = 'socks5://' async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector, request_class=ProxyClientRequest) as session: async with session.get(url, proxy=socks, proxy_auth=auth) as response: print(await response.text()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(fetch('https://www.google.com/'))
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def download_img(self, img): res = requests.session() #设置代理,这里直接用的是Http的 proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', } #随机UserAgent headers = {'UserAgent': UserAgent().random} if len(img) != 0: if self.check_img_exists(img['img_name']): filename = self.check_img_exists(img['img_name']) r = res.get(img['img_href'], headers=headers, proxies=proxies) if r.status_code == 200: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) print('下载成功') return filename else: print("文件下载失败,返回错误为{}".format(r.status_code)) return None |
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1.导入retry from retrying import retry 2.在你的需要的函数面前加上@retry就可以了,当这个函数报错的时候,会自动重试这个函数 @retry def funciton_you_need(): .... |
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import asyncio import time import multiprocessing as mp import os import re import aiohttp import aiohttp.client_exceptions import requests import selenium from aiosocksy.connector import ProxyConnector, ProxyClientRequest from fake_useragent import UserAgent from lxml import etree from retrying import retry from selenium import webdriver from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchAttributeException from selenium.webdriver.chrome.webdriver import Options from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait class Config(): def __init__(self): self.SCR_NUM_MAX = 3 class D_crawler(): def __init__(self, author): self.author = author # 初始化url self.base_url = "https://www.deviantart.com/{}/gallery/all".format(self.author) # 图片信息 self.img_info = [] self.config = Config() # 当实例化这个类的时候就会自动创建一个文件夹 self.mkdir() def mkdir(self): filelist = os.listdir('.') if self.author not in filelist: os.mkdir(self.author) r = requests.get(self.base_url) if r.status_code == 200: print("{}作者的文件夹已经建立".format(self.author)) else: exit("输入的作者不存在") else: if len(os.listdir(self.author)): exit('文件夹已经存在,并且里面有东西,程序暂停') else: print("文件夹已经存在,但是里面没有东西,程序继续运行") def init_browser(self): print("浏览器初始化中...") chrome_options = Options() # 使用无头浏览器 # chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') # 为浏览器设置代理 chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://') # 开启无图模式 prefs = {"profile.managed_default_content_settings.images": 2} chrome_options.add_experimental_option("prefs", prefs) # 初始化浏览器 Browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options) Browser.get(self.base_url) # 当获取到body标签的时候才进行下面的任务 WebDriverWait(Browser, 10).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'body')) ) # 点击浏览器一次 Browser.find_element_by_css_selector('body').click() print("浏览器初始化完成") return Browser # 获取指定的xpath def get_xpath(self, xpath_name): xpath = { 'a_hrefs_xpath': '//*[@class="_2vta_"]', 'img_src_xpath': '//*[@id="root"]/main/div/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]/img/@src', 'logging_xpath': '//*[@class="_3UKUX"]', 'all_num': '//*[@id="sub-folder-gallery"]/div[1]/div/div/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div/span', 'tail': '//*[@class="_1BvgX"]' } return xpath[xpath_name] def check_last(self, Browser): try: last_tag = Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('tail')) return False except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: return True # 让浏览器进行移动,并且动态获取a链接 async def main_process(self): Browser = self.init_browser() await asyncio.sleep(0.1) all_num = str(Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('all_num')).text) print("{}有{}张图片".format(self.author, all_num)) scr_num = 0 img_info = [] connector = ProxyConnector() all_hrefs = set() unseen = set() seen = set() async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector, request_class=ProxyClientRequest) as session: while self.check_last(Browser): # 如果没有发现loggin是消失的话,就往下移动,否则就开始统计a的值 all_hrefs.update([a_tag.get_attribute('href') for a_tag in Browser.find_elements_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('a_hrefs_xpath'))]) unseen.update(all_hrefs - seen) # 创造协程任务,使所有页面开始爬取图片的信息 if len(unseen) != 0: tasks = [loop.create_task(self.get_img_info(session, target)) for target in unseen] Done, Pendding = await asyncio.wait(tasks) for item in Done: if item.result(): # 添加图片信息 img_info.append(item.result()) print("添加的图片信息数量为{}".format(len(img_info))) # 等到加载图标消失后再往下移动 try: WebDriverWait(Browser, 10).until( EC.invisibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, self.get_xpath('logging_xpath'))) ) # 为了切换协程 except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException: Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('a_hrefs_xpath')).send_keys(Keys.PAGE_UP) Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('a_hrefs_xpath')).send_keys(Keys.PAGE_UP) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) seen.update(unseen) unseen.clear() Browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.get_xpath('a_hrefs_xpath')).send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN) Browser.quit() return img_info # 爬取图片的信息,返回的是图片的名字,下载地址,和找到图片的这个地址 @retry async def get_img_info(self, session, url): img_name = "".join(re.findall(r'(?<=\/)[^\/]*(?=\-)', url)) + ".jpg" socks = 'socks5://' r = await session.get(url, proxy=socks) html = await r.text() await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # slightly delay for downloading selector = etree.HTML(html) parse_hrefs = "".join(selector.xpath(self.get_xpath('img_src_xpath'))) if parse_hrefs != '': img_info = { 'img_name': img_name, 'img_href': parse_hrefs, 'a_href': url } return img_info else: print(img_name + '地址找不到') return False # 下载图片,img_info是一个所有的图片链接和图片的名字 @retry def download_img(self, img): res = requests.session() proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', } headers = {'UserAgent': UserAgent().random} if len(img) != 0: if self.check_img_exists(img['img_name']): filename = self.check_img_exists(img['img_name']) r = res.get(img['img_href'], headers=headers, proxies=proxies) if r.status_code == 200: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) print('下载成功') return filename else: print("文件下载失败,返回错误为{}".format(r.status_code)) return None # 检查文件是否已经被下载了 def check_img_exists(self, filename): filelist = os.listdir(self.author + '/') if filename not in filelist: print('{}图片可以下载'.format(filename)) return self.author + '/' + filename else: print('{}图片已经存在,已经跳过下载'.format(filename)) return False async def main(loop, authors): craws = [D_crawler(author) for author in authors] tasks = [loop.create_task(craw.main_process()) for craw in craws] Done, Pendding = await asyncio.wait(tasks) img_infos = [item.result() for item in Done] i = 0 while i < len(craws): craw = craws[i] pool = mp.Pool(8) img_info = img_infos[i] download_jobs = [pool.apply_async(craw.download_img, args=(img,)) for img in img_info] print([job.get() for job in download_jobs]) i += 1 print("完毕") if __name__ == '__main__': start_time = time.time() authors_num = int(input("请输入你想要几位作者\n")) authors = [] for i in range(authors_num): authors.append(input("请输入第%d位作者的名字\n" % int(i + 1))) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main(loop, authors)) print("总共耗时{}".format(time.time() - start_time)) |